Video: The ANIMALS Save the PLANET

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Video: The ANIMALS Save the PLANET
You better watch this now, or you'll be missing out on A LOT.
What are you waiting for?!

Nice right?! :D:D:D So cute.
My teacher showed this in support of decreasing global warming.
Oh yeah, did you guys commemorate EARTH HOUR? :D Quite innovative idea I think. :) So I did support it. How about you guys?
That's all.
(I know I sound xian.)
(I do.)
(Sound xian, I mean.)
( :( )


Powerpuff starrinightx
saved the world @Sunday, March 29, 2009

Photo: It's Spring!

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Photo: It's Spring!
It's Spring!
Hullo everyone! This is the photo I was talking about in the last post. Just got into a creative streak when I saw this cute small wooden windmill thing. :) It's just the right size for GWB.
To avoid plagiarism, I shall credit Discovery Box for the background later in my bibliography. :)
See ya~
Munier, Vincent. "Tracking the Kamchatka bears" Discovery Box No. 116: 20+


Powerpuff starrinightx
saved the world @Saturday, March 21, 2009

Photo Journal: GWB at the Garden Festival

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Photo Journal: GWB at the Garden Festival

Sorry, I just came back from a 3 week long winter hibernation. And it's spring! But I shall post that another day.
After not updating for 3 whole weeks, I feel I owe you guys lots. So here's a photo journal, meaning that there is not only ONE photo, but lots! The halloween post is an example of a photo journal too. Oh, and I'll be tagging the posts soon, but I'll tell you next time.
Anyway, these were taken at the Singapore Garden Festival...(let me think)...exactly on the 30th of July last year! A veryveryvery long time ago. :P

Okaaay, so here's GWB's outfit. Cool right! The skirt is very kindly donated by my brother ( :0). Actually it's from the sushi box. You know, those kind of artificial grass or something which he likes to play with. Anyway, the flower is made by hand! Yes, made, not bought! My neighbour bought me hard clay that we moulded together. You put your final product into the oven and it becomes super hard and strong. This particular flower was created by my mum with the leftover clay. It's supposed to be some kind of button by the way.
GWB in Garden Outfit

And here's a photo of the chicken-thingy toy that my brother calls Tropo. I post about it only cos' it's like a form of repayment...?
GWB with chicken in Garden Outfit

Here's a photo of a 'fantasy garden'. It's my favourite, and apparently the audience's favourite too (by popular voting)! It's like an underwater garden. The underwater effect is created by having like a shallow pool on the top with strong light streaming in. So cool right? The festival has stuff like this and lotslots more which I can't possibly put up every single one here. If you missed last year's I think it's shown every two years, so you can go next year! :D
Underwater Garden

This is just a random (but nice) photo. :) It makes GWB look like some flower fairy that you read in Enid Blyton books. By the way, if you have NEVER read her books (yes, it's a HER), you are seriously missing out in life. Her books were what started my reading fever!
A Flower Fairy

These flowers make me go OMG. The first time I saw them, I could not believe that they are real! They are so big, and so perfect, and so beautiful, and so unreal, and so vividly coloured, and so OMG. The lilies were bigger than both of my fists! Just compare them to GWB.
Bigger-than-life Flowers

Tulips from Netherlands! I bought loads, but because it's hot and humid Singapore, they were sent to heaven in a really short time.
Tulips In Bloom

Here's a poster about a lucky draw entitled to anyone who was at the festival. We could stand a chance to have a just discovered pitcher plant named after us! Quite novel actually. But I posted this because I was thinking, what if GWB signed up and won? Then it'll be called the GWB pitcher plant. :D But I read the newspaper last time that someone already won. Oh well.
GWB Pitcher Plant...
The festival organisers gave people these cute ballons. 100% Organic. Hahas!
100% Organic!

At home, I took two photos using parts of the plants. The first is from a venus flytrap, and the second a tulip petal. The second is really emo-ish. :)
Nature Lover

Yups. That's all for today! :)


Powerpuff starrinightx
saved the world @Saturday, March 07, 2009


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