Doodle: Basketball Boy by Nicolette

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Doodle: Basketball Boy by Nicolette
Hi guys!
By the way, did you know that this blog has 230 plus hits! :D Ok, maybe you don't notice small little things like that...but I do...
Ok, I haven't been posting doodles for quite some time... So here's one by Nicolette! It's really beautiful...
Basketball Boy by Nicolette
Nice, eh? :)
Oh yeah, I can't change the blogskin UNTIL the photos are resized...and that's gonna be a long time...Sorry! :p


Powerpuff starrinightx
saved the world @Sunday, August 31, 2008

Photo: Go Team Singa!

Friday, 22 August 2008

Photo: Go Team Singa!
Okay people...sorry for not posting for so long. I've been on hiatus. :) So here is a brand new photo for you!
Go Team Singa!
Oh yeah you see the photo above? It's resized! Yay! So yes it is possible to resize. :)
This photo is, well, supporting Team Singa! We've got one Silver medal! :) Although the women's tale tennis team are from China...if I'm not wrong, Tao Li is also from China. The women's and men's table tennis singles is finished for us...Ronald Susilo and the duo pair (dunno's what their names) are out of the badmintons games too, and our shooting and sailing is out too I think. Still, we should support our country! WOOOOO~
See ya(next time)


Powerpuff starrinightx
saved the world @Friday, August 22, 2008

Blog Update: Changing of Shoutbox to Cbox

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Blog Update: Changing of Shoutbox to Cbox
Hi guys! I'm sure you've noticed the new Cbox! Yeah! Now you can spam as much as you want and I can delete any post! :) The old Shoutbox did not allow me to do so. Do note though, that the maximum number of posts is 100. After that, the rest will be deleted. So, yeah, start spamming! :)


Powerpuff starrinightx
saved the world @Sunday, August 10, 2008

Photo: GWB Supports Beijing Olmpics 08-08-08

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Photo: GWB Supports Beijing Olympics 08-08-08
GBW Supports Beijing Olympics 08-08-08
Whew! It's been a really LOOOONG day...
I tried catching the official ceremony of the Beijing Olympics just now on TV, but we discovered we could not tune in to Channel 5 on our TV! We had no choice but to watch on Suria, the malay channel. Also, I only watched Part 2, where all the representatives of the countries were gathering at the Bird Nest Stadium. I waited at least one an a half hours before we saw Team Singapore...for three minutes! Sigh... However it was quite enjoyable. There was this country's president (I think), his wife and their son standing up when the country's team appeared. The president and the First Lady were waving enthusiastically but their son looked so bored. His mum whispered something to him and THEN he started waving pathetically. LOL! Must be missing his PSP at home. Oh well...

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Powerpuff starrinightx
saved the world @Saturday, August 09, 2008

Blog Update: Stats Are Already Over The 100 Mark! :)

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Blog Update: Stats Are Already Over The 100 Mark! :)
My blog has more than a 100 hits since 29 June! :) Yeah! Didn't know my blog would be so popular...:P I should have found out who was the 100th person and maybe have a doorprize ready or something...LOL. So excited! I really love this blog. OK, I know my posts are coming along a bit slow, but still...I have LOTS and LOTS of stuff to post and I just don't have the time! Sorry, people...I'll try to speed up a bit. Also I'll see if I can resize my pictures. They are rather huge, aren't they? Lastly, do you guys think I should change blogskin? Everyone's doing it, but I don't know if I should. I still okay with this though. :) Let me know, kay? See ya guys next time!


Powerpuff starrinightx
saved the world @Saturday, August 02, 2008


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And no, Professor Utonium didn’t create me.
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* sheesh * :P

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